Closing and Reporting for Account & GST

  1. Configuration Section
    1.1 Any Empty Location created without Branch (Refer to Location maintenance,Empty Branch and Company Data)
    1.2 Credit Card Configuration: Make sure Tick for Preferred Cashbook, and Active for Branch (Refer to Card Payment Config, Credit Card Listing)
    1.3 GST Configuration
    1.3.1 EMP Tax Configuration, Configure Tax Setting, Tax Configuration Malaysia
    1.3.2 Item Maintenance Tax Configuration
    1.3.3 Locking the GST Filing Cycle 
    1.4 Disable Unblock No Financial Year (Refer to EMP Configuration - Accounting)

  2. Discrepancy Checking
    2.1 AR / AP Discrepancy (Refer to AR / AP Discrepancy CheckingHistorical AR by Customer VS Balance Sheet VS Ageing / Historical AP by Supplier VS Balance Sheet VS Ageing
    2.2 Cashbook Discrepancy (this function checking by technical support team, please create issue) Cashbook VS Balance Sheet
    2.3 Stock Discrepancy (Refer to Stock Flow Report, Error Checking part)
    2.4 Stock Balance Checking
    2.5 Journal Error Checking (Refer to Error Checking)
    2.6 Bank Reconciliation (Refer to Discrepancies)

  3. Outstanding Documents (up-to-date outstanding)
    3 A: Customer
    3.1 Customer Outstanding Invoice
    3.2 Customer Deposit Listing
    3.3 Sales Order Outstanding Listing
    3.4 Customer Credit Memo Outstanding Listing

    3 B: Supplier
    3.5 Supplier Outstanding Invoice
    3.6 Open Payment Voucher
    3.7 Purchase Order Outstanding Listing
    3.8 Supplier Credit Memo Outstanding Listing

    3 C: Stock
    3.9 SBR-03 Stock Balance By Location Report (Group By Item Code - Qty Only)
    3.10 Customer Consignment Stock Balance
    3.11 Supplier Consignment Stock Balance
    3.12 Stock In Transit Balance

    3 D: Cashbook
    3.13 Cash Level

  4. Historical Balance Reports (selected date outstanding)
    4.1Historical AR Balance
    4.2 Historical AP Balance
    4.3 SBR-05 Historical Stock Balance Report
    4.4 CC-07 Historical Transaction Aging Analysis
    4.5 Historical Transaction Aging Analysis

  5. Merge Function
    5.1 Merge Matrix Category
    5.2 Merge Customer Accounts
    5.3Merge Supplier Account
    5.4 Merge GL Code

  6. System Default Configuration
    6.1 Perpetual Inventory
    6.2 System Default Journal Posting

  7. Accounts Audit Checking

  8. Operation Related Reports
    8.1 : OR-04 Stock Adjustment By Reset Moving Average
  9. GST Discrepancy Checking
    9.1 GST Output tax GL VS GST-03 5b.
    9.2 GST Input Tax GL VS GST-03 6b.

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