How To Verify Apple Care (ACPP) SSL Certificate Expiry Date

  1. Log into EMP

  2. Go to Control Panel -> System Admin -> EMP Configurations -> Trading -> General Tab -> Private Key (P12 File)

  3. Click on "private_key.p12" to download cert (private key + Apple client certificate)

  4. Note the password to the right of the private_key.p12, will have to use it in the openssl (See screenshot)

  5. Issue the following command:
    - openssl pkcs12 -in private_key.p12 -nokeys | openssl x509 -noout -enddate

  6. Look for Certificate Expiry date - "notAfter=" (See screenshot)

Openssl Session Screenshot (Expiry Date)

EMP Configuration -> Trading -> General Tab -> Private Key (P12 File) Screenshot

How To Verify Apple Care (ACPP) SSL Certificate Validity Using Item Code and Serial Number

  1. Get "private_key.p12" from EMP - See "How To Verify Apple Care (ACPP) SSL Certificate Expiry Date"

  2. Extract Private Key from a PKCS#12 File (See Screenshot)
    Command: openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in private_key.p12-out

  3. Extract Certificate from a PKCS#12 File
    Command: openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in private_key.p12-out cert.pem

  4. Use CURL to issue Apple Care Verify Transaction using above cert and private key, be ready to enter password


curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --cert ./cert.pem \ --key ./privatekey.pem \ --data-raw '{ "requestContext": { "shipTo": "0000884245", "timeZone": "-480", "langCode": "en" }, "appleCareSalesDate": "05/17/21", "pocLanguage": "ENG", "pocDeliveryPreference": "E", "mobileNumber": "", "purchaseOrderNumber": "MACbf76d642943epoko", "MRC": "", "marketID": "", "overridePocFlag": "", "smsFlag": "0", "emailFlag": "1", "customerRequest": { "customerFirstName": "Soh", "customerLastName": "Tek Liang", "companyName": "", "customerEmailId": "", "addressLine1": "", "addressLine2": "", "city": "", "stateCode": "", "countryCode": "", "primaryPhoneNumber": "", "zipCode": "" }, "deviceRequest": [ { "deviceId": "SF9FFDW5WQ1GG", "secondarySerialNumber": "", "hardwareDateOfPurchase": "05/17/21" } ] }'


*Note that the actual response from Apple Care may varies base on provided date such

as purchaseOrderNumber, appleCareSalesDate, hardwareDateOfPurchase, deviceId, etc

*See screenshots for ACPP curl sessions

Openssl Session Screenshot (Extract Private Key and Client Certificate)

Apple Care Successful Verify Order Request (Using Newly Issued Certificate)

Apple Care Fail Verify Order Request (Using Expired Ceriticate)


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