
New Permission

12326 - Trading -> sell below minimum price for intercompany stock transfer

5081 - New permissions to control Stock Requisition Listing and Detail Listing


10864 - Role permission for team-a-telesalesexec is configured to can only view own jobsheet but still can view other user's jobsheet

12548 - Extended Modules -> Thailand -> ABB Tax Invoice Conversion : Convert ABB to Full tax invoice for member

6751 - Report to calculate and show VAT and WHT on bank charges

11576 - Enhancement in BOM functionality (New)

10712 - Cashbook -> support tree structure

12529 - Control Panel -> Developer -> Accounting Config -> GL Category -> Disable the parent gl category if have same name with child gl category code

10611 - Add and Edit Journal Transaction -> Remove Add GL Details, Add popup GL Details

460 - Card Payment Config : allow to choose multi branches for each config

4139 - Manager > SR-05 Stock Sales Report to allow filter by Item's Unit Price

13949 - Finance ->Payment Voucher -> Payment Voucher Listing -> Allow to show latest transaction first (order by date)

7203 - Customer -> Tasks -> Settle Docment / Deposit : Optional : Load billing Note : add in checkbox - if clicked Invoice listing should only show the invoice && CM from the billing note

4644 - Improve the speed of printing / loading the Purchase Order

13258 - Reports => Stock Reports => Stock Balance Summary Group By Extended Category => Enlarge the font size of the generated table

12211 - Upload sales order but it's too slow

12320 - Procurement -> Transactions - > New Purchase Order -> Optional -> Add Load PO to load items in previous PO

12772 - SMPP-03 Purchase Report By GRN With Inventory Category Grouping : Branch Selection can select multiple branches and add Filter Date Range by Month

9631 - Edit SO: the combined credit memo / receipt knock off / contra

9578 - Additional information to Detailed sales order listing

11951 - Handling over-paid Sales Order

11160 - Create a link to see the history of EMP update (compilation of code) on the home screen

13924 - Full Screen Cash Sale - Cut Down the Flow to fill up item and add item

Bug Fixes

12761 - SR-05 Stock Sale Report generated did not show the report for SR created

12335 - Fix cannot select GL Code in create PV, Receipt Voucher, add & edit Journal Transaction

13933 - item code "coupon" did not change the default location after stock transfer

13969 - CC-07 Historical Transaction Aging Analysis : Use Credit Memo to Contra Invoice but Invoice and Credit Memo still show outstanding after contra

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