
New Permission Or Permission Related Changes

22985 New Permission to generate Payment Voucher Listing by branch
22999 Add new permission to search payment voucher by company
18383 add permission to invoice printable by branch

New Feature

20164 Barcode Support, GRN by PO, Create Invoice from SO

Bug Fixes

27386 Workshop Jobsheet create and edit : salesman not updated after changing the value


25570 Return Sales Order - Set approval path in order to cancel Cash Sales
25144 FINANCE -> PAYMENT VOUCHER -> EDIT PAYMENT VOUCHER -> Request to allow user to change cashbook
25142 Accounting -> Jtxn Listing -> Request customization so that user can choose multiple branch
13255 Audit Trail Report : Show details for Edit Jobsheet (time for each editing, what is edited, by whom)
26017 accounting > maintenance > configuration > cashbook maintenance. allow user to edit cashbook code.
26059 Static header for Stock Availability Report. [ Inventory > Reports > Stock Availability ]
25525 Supplier > Maintenance > Create Supplier.Enchance Screen to indicate to user which field is the important field .
26026 Block upload GRN with negative quantity and negative amount
26190 Adding Credit Terms Control 3, 4 and 5
20973 Supplier -> Credit Memo -> Credit Memo Contra : Please add Date Range to filter List of Outstanding Document


25565 Drop Down List Configuration refactoring
25567 Sales order - Show credit limit & overdue
25579 Sales Order - Set prompt out warning message when exceed credit limits

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