Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New Feature


Issue Number


Affected Screen


New Feature






Issue Number


Affected Screen






Bug Fixes


Issue Number


Affected Screen






New Feature

Issue Number

Affected Screen

New Feature


Other Related
WSEMP-448Mixed Supply ReportMixed Supply ReportIdaWGT-1658


Issue Number

Affected Screen



Other Related

Bug Fixes

Issue Number

Affected Screen



WSEMP-783Upload Item CodeCategory 0 Error when upload -> double create in Tree CategoryJimmy2017-04-01
WSEMP-788Supplier Consignment Stock Card report Printable page blankJimmy2017-04-01
WSEMP-806FSCSUnder role developer -> cannot issueJimmy2017-04-04
WSEMP-805E-statement pluginEmail not sentIda2017-04-06
WSEMP-826SR-12Fix Query not runningDwi2017-04-07
WSEMP-825SBR05tick filter " Group by" -> tick "positive balance" -> result show 0 qtyJimmy2017-04-08
WSEMP-823Create GRN > Load POafter load i item, the page goneJimmy2017-04-09
WSEMP-821AR TransactionCustomer PKID: not able to fuzzy searchJimmy2017-04-11
WSEMP-798HomePageChange link from Facebook to Telegram ChannelDwi2017-04-10
WSEMP-846Upload SINVCannot put in negative amountIda2017-04-11
WSEMP-816Stock take as closing inventoryWrong costJimmy2017-04-0410
WSEMP-805E-statement pluginEmail not sentIda845Footwear Print SOExtra Items shown in SO printableDwi2017-04-0611
WSEMP-826SR-12Fix Query not runningDwi827create supp inv page (edit row )Permission errorHassan2017-04-0710
WSEMP-825836SBR05tick filter " Group by" -> tick "positive balance" -> result show 0 qtySBR-05Select ALL Location first time generate different amount with 2nd time generateJimmy2017-04-0812
WSEMP-823Create GRN > Load POafter load i item, the page gone855BloomingStrange symbolJimmy2017-04-0912
WSEMP-821AR TransactionCustomer PKID: not able to fuzzy search866Payment Voucher Knock off Choose date not workingJimmy2017-04-1114
WSEMP-798814HomePageChange link from Facebook to Telegram ChannelDwiCreate InvoiceWhen change stock out location, Item deducted without validated the serial numberJimmy2017-04-1007
WSEMP-846Upload SINVCannot put in negative amountIda819CC-07Select customer type to generate the report not functionJimmy2017-04-1106
WSEMP-816Stock take as closing inventoryWrong cost858Edit ItemERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "inv_item_item_code_key"Jimmy2017-04--1013
WSEMP-845Footwear Print SOExtra Items shown in SO printable636SBR-03 ReportFix empty rows on printabe page without Category, EAN and Zero QtyDwi2017-04-1114
WSEMP-827create supp inv page (edit row )Permission errorHassan859CM ListingCM type filter show wrong resultIda2017-04-1012
WSEMP-836SBR-05Select ALL Location first time generate different amount with 2nd time generateJimmy306Reverse PVNot allow reverse filed PVIda2017-04-1210
WSEMP-855566BloomingStrange symbolJimmyData FixAdd new data fix for unlock locked jobsheetIda2017-04-1211
WSEMP-866Payment Voucher Knock off Choose date not working175SR-06Wrong Header nameJimmy2017-04-14
WSEMP-814Create InvoiceWhen change stock out location, Item deducted without validated the serial number810 AP Bad Debt Relief and AP Bad Debt PaidWrong sign amountJimmy2017-04-07
WSEMP-819CC-07Select customer type to generate the report not functionJimmy864Output Tax Filing

Reverse Trade In CM should have 2 entries in total.

WSEMP-858Edit ItemERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "inv_item_item_code_key"Jimmy862Create INV screen and full screen cash saleThe inactive Major Industry code appearHassan2017-04--13
WSEMP-636SBR-03 ReportFix empty rows on printabe page without Category, EAN and Zero QtyDwi-871Customer listingWrong error message Hassan2017-04-17
WSEMP-848POS event triggerIt skipped too many transactions with so confuse error message.Jimmy2017-04-1412
WSEMP-859CM ListingCM type filter show wrong resultIda874Queue Processing IncomingThe get cashbook by pkid function returns Null even pkid existsJimmy2017-04-1219
WSEMP-306Reverse PVNot allow reverse filed PVIda873SBR-07Generate report no resultJimmy2017-04-1018
WSEMP-566Data FixAdd new data fix for unlock locked jobsheet872Input Tax FilingNull error if filter by supplierIda2017-04-1117
WSEMP-175SR-06Wrong Header nameJimmy859CM ListingCM Type Filter not correctIda2017-04-1419
WSEMP-810 AP Bad Debt Relief and AP Bad Debt PaidWrong sign amountJimmy851Supplier CM ContraCM for PR can contra each otherIda2017-04-0720
WSEMP-864Output Tax FilingReverse Trade In CM should have 2 entries in total.883Upload BOM Allow pricing matrix overwrittenIda2017-04-1819
WSEMP-862Create INV screen and full screen cash saleThe inactive Major Industry code appearHassan896Tax on Imported GoodsGRN date on last day of filing cycle cannot be filedIda2017-04-1325
WSEMP-871544Customer listingWrong error message HassanGRNGRN Missing Auto-create SINVkreaeeh2017-04-1718
WSEMP-848Tealive POS event triggerIt skipped too many transactions with so confuse error message.Jimmy831SP-05Fix filters not resetting properlyDwi2017-04-1228
WSEMP-874Queue Processing IncomingThe get cashbook by pkid function returns Null even pkid exists865Upload Supplier InvoiceClick submit twice back to back. System will create duplicate InvoiceJimmy2017-04-1914
WSEMP-873SBR-07Generate report no result885Stock Take As Closing InventoryWrong historical costJimmy2017-04-1822
WSEMP-872Input Tax FilingNull error if filter by supplierIda843CCF-04Not showing invoice with glcode itemJimmy2017-04-1711
WSEMP-859CM ListingCM Type Filter not correctIda870Trace Stock SerialNot following Correct SequenceJimmy2017-04-1918
WSEMP-851Supplier CM ContraCM for PR can contra each other849SR-29null error if no permission to view any costIda2017-04-2026
WSEMP-883835Upload BOM Allow pricing matrix overwrittenStock AvailabilityPrice exclude tax is not showing correctlyIda2017-04-1925
WSEMP-896Tax on Imported GoodsGRN date on last day of filing cycle cannot be filed433AP Bad Debt Paid multiple partial settlements done on different months/FC, cannot separate them as per FCIda2017-04-2516
WSEMP-544GRNGRN Missing Auto-create SINVkreaeeh2017-04-18WSEMP-831SP-05Fix filters not resetting properlyDwi683 Customer CM createchange tax code list in edit page to output tax codeIda2017-04-2825
WSEMP-865Upload Supplier InvoiceClick submit twice back to back. System will create duplicate Invoice850Florist Edit OrderWrong informationJimmy2017-04-1413
WSEMP-885Stock Take As Closing InventoryWrong historical costJimmy856Upload PO BataPricing for bata changes per item code instead of articleDwi2017-04-2217
WSEMP-843CCF-04Not showing invoice with glcode itemJimmy879Input Tax FilingError on page reload when another branch completes filingWaqqas2017-04-1118
WSEMP-870Trace Stock SerialNot following Correct SequenceJimmy238Upload Cash Transferprovide clearer error descriptionHassan2017-04-1805
WSEMP-849SR-29null error if no permission to view any costIda876supp_invoice_item Increase character for name(supp_invoice_item)Hassan2017-04-2625
WSEMP-835909Stock AvailabilityPrice exclude tax is not showing correctlyIdaFSCSUse AWS SES for sending emails with verified domain wavelet.emailQuang2017-04-2528
WSEMP-433AP Bad Debt Paid multiple partial settlements done on different months/FC, cannot separate them as per FCIda892SPR-01Supplier showing in SPR-01 different from the Popup GRNJimmy2017-04-1626
WSEMP-683 898Customer CM createchange tax code list in edit page to output tax codeFilingnot support long name for major industry codeIda2017-04-2527


Issue Number

Affected Screen

Enhancement required


DateOther Related
850Florist Edit OrderWrong informationJimmy
732GST-03 version 2Support TX-CG tax codeIda2017-04-
856Upload PO BataPricing for bata changes per item code instead of articleDwi
733GST-03 version 2Support TX-ES tax codeIda2017-04-
879Input Tax FilingError on page reload when another branch completes filingWaqqas
736GST-03 version 2Support TX-FRS tax codeIda2017-04-
238Upload Cash Transferprovide clearer error descriptionHassan
731Purchase ScreenNew tax codes TX-FRS, TX-NC, NPIda2017-04-


Issue Number

Affected Screen

Enhancement required


DateOther Related
WSEMP-732GST-03 version 2Support TX-CG tax codeWGT-1630
WSEMP-742Sales ScreenNew tax codes SR-MS, SR-JWS, OS-TXM, NTX, NSIda2017-04-0612WGT-16251631
WSEMP-733GST-03 version 2Support 730Purchase ScreenNew tax codes TX-CG, TX-IES, TX-ES tax codeIda2017-04-1012WGT-16261632
WSEMP-736GST-03 version 2Support TX-FRS tax code857RCT , PV Document PopupRename date header for related document to Settlement DateIda2017-04-12WGT-1627
WSEMP-731Purchase ScreenNew tax codes TX-FRS, TX-NC, NPIda782Add/Edit pseudo codeAdd pseudo type: SALES, PURCHASE, SAMSUNG-SYNC.Jimmy2017-04-1204WGT-16301634
WSEMP-742583Sales ScreenNew tax codes SR-MS, SR-JWS, OS-TXM, NTX, NSIdaAudit Trailadd audit Trail for Matrix Category maintenance (add, edit , and delete)Dwi2017-04-12WGT-16311639
WSEMP-730Purchase ScreenNew tax codes TX-CG, TX-IES, TX-ES780GST-03 version 2Exclude GS on Field 13Ida2017-04-09WGT-1645
WSEMP-770GST Audit File (Version 2) GST Audit File (Version 2)  Text FormatIda2017-04-1219WGT-16321649
WSEMP-857RCT , PV Document PopupRename date header for related document to Settlement Date320Add/ Edit Itemto allow the configuration for major industry code by itemIda2017-04-1206WGT-1648
WSEMP-782Add/Edit pseudo codeAdd pseudo type: SALES, PURCHASE, SAMSUNG-SYNC.Jimmy329Create INV and FSCSPermission to sell item below cost when PWP hitHassan2017-04-0413WGT-16341650
WSEMP-583Audit Trailadd audit Trail for Matrix Category maintenance (add, edit , and delete)Dwi190CCF-03 ((Printable page with vehicle) Add column for Credit Card Type & BranchHassan2017-04-1210WGT-16391654
WSEMP-780658GSTCC-03 version 2Exclude GS on Field 13Ida07Add new printable summaryNorizan2017-04-09WGT-16451662
WSEMP-770GST Audit File (Version 2) GST Audit File (Version 2)  Text FormatIda604supplier -> creditor -> Supplier Historical Transaction Aging AnalysisAdd new printable summaryNorizan2017-04-1909 WGT-16491663
WSEMP-320Add/ Edit Itemto allow the configuration for major industry code by itemIda277Simplified Tax Invoice Conversion: Simplified Tax Invoice Conversion: kendo UI formatNorizan2017-04-0605 WGT-16481664
WSEMP-329Create INV and FSCSPermission to sell item below cost when PWP hitHassan354SUPPLIER HISTORICAL TRANSACTION AGING ANALYSIS REPORT :NO HEADER ( Company Name )Norizan2017-04-13WGT-165019No need documentation
WSEMP-190CCF-03 ((Printable page with vehicle) Add column for Credit Card Type & BranchHassan794Supplier Contact PersonAdd Tax codeDwi2017-03-25WGT-1669
WSEMP-338ECommerce Checkout PageAdd mobile number as compulsory pageDwi2017-04-1025WGT-16541672
WSEMP-658CC-07Add new printable summaryNorizan335Aging Summary By SupplierNew reportJimmy2017-04-0919WGT-16621674
WSEMP-604888supplier -> creditor -> Supplier Historical Transaction Aging AnalysisAdd new printable summaryNorizanCCF-03Kendo UIHassan2017-04-09 26WGT-16631675
WSEMP-277775Simplified Tax Edit Invoice Conversion: Simplified Tax Invoice Conversion: kendo UI formatNorizanaudit trail report change "salesID" to "sales username" and "sales person full name"Hassan2017-04-05 27WGT-16641682
WSEMP-354SUPPLIER HISTORICAL TRANSACTION AGING ANALYSIS REPORT :NO HEADER ( Company Name )Norizan734GST-03 v2, Taxable Amount by Tax Code Report, Tax Filing for Residual Input (TX-RE)  update DMR formulaIda2017-04-1918No need documentation-
WSEMP-794Supplier Contact PersonAdd Tax codeDwi779GAF v2XML formatIda2017-0304-2530WGT-16691683
WSEMP-338ECommerce Checkout PageAdd mobile number as compulsory pageDwi875Input Tax filingInsert date for Input tax Txn Date columnNorizan2017-04-2524WGT-16721688
WSEMP-335Aging Summary By SupplierNew reportJimmy611Invoice Listingnew printable 2Norizan2017-04-1925WGT-16741689
WSEMP-888CCF-03Kendo UIHassan160Developer DatafixNew ST Fix toolsDwi2017-04-2606WGT-16751695
WSEMP-775797Edit Invoiceaudit trail report change "salesID" to "sales username" and "sales person full name"HassanSupplier SOAAging for Supplier SOAJimmy2017-04-2719WGT-16821699
WSEMP-734GST-03 v2, Taxable Amount by Tax Code Report, Tax Filing for Residual Input (TX-RE)  update DMR formulaIda897Upload InvoiceCheck for locked filing cycle and locked tax cycleDwi2017-04-1826WGT-1708
WSEMP-779GAF v2XML formatIda910Upload GRNUpload GRN checks for Financial Year and Tax Filing Period prior to creationDwi2017-04-3028WGT-16831716
WSEMP-875Input Tax filingInsert date for Input tax Txn Date columnNorizan903Upload CashSaleUpload Cashsale Checks for Financial Year and Tax Filing Period Prior to creationDwi2017-04-2427WGT-16881728
WSEMP-611Invoice Listingnew printable 2Norizan804Stock In and Stock OutInclude GLCODE type item in inv_stock_deltaJimmy2017-04-2518WGT-16891733
WSEMP-160Developer DatafixNew ST Fix tools905Upload Sales ReturnAdd check for Financial Year and Tax YearDwi2017-0405-0630WGT-16951757
WSEMP-797795Supplier SOAAging for Supplier SOAJimmyUpload InvoiceAdd Major Industry Code UploadHassan2017-04-1913WGT-16991792


Issue Number

Affected Screen



Other Related


Reset MA By GRNDo not haveSuhaidaWGT-1629
WSEMP-796Upload Customer & Contact PersonDo not haveHassanWGT-1676


Issue Number

Affected Screen



DateOther Related
Edit Item
Optimise the queryJimmy2017-04-03
WSEMP-886POSUnprocessed Transactions with ExceptionQuang2017-04-20