Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New Feature


Issue Number


Affected Screen


New Feature






Issue Number


Affected Screen






Bug Fixes


Issue Number


Affected Screen






Reverse Trade In CM should have 2 entries in total.




Issue Number


Affected Screen


Enhancement required




New Feature

Issue Number

Affected Screen

New Feature


Other Related
WSEMP-448Mixed Supply ReportMixed Supply ReportIdaWGT-1658


Issue Number

Affected Screen



Other Related

Bug Fixes

Issue Number

Affected Screen



WSEMP-783Upload Item CodeCategory 0 Error when upload -> double create in Tree CategoryJimmy2017-04-01
WSEMP-788Supplier Consignment Stock Card report Printable page blankJimmy2017-04-01
WSEMP-806FSCSUnder role developer -> cannot issueJimmy2017-04-04
WSEMP-805E-statement pluginEmail not sentIda2017-04-06
WSEMP-826SR-12Fix Query not runningDwi2017-04-07
WSEMP-825SBR05tick filter " Group by" -> tick "positive balance" -> result show 0 qtyJimmy2017-04-08
WSEMP-823Create GRN > Load POafter load i item, the page goneJimmy2017-04-09
WSEMP-821AR TransactionCustomer PKID: not able to fuzzy searchJimmy2017-04-11
WSEMP-798HomePageChange link from Facebook to Telegram ChannelDwi2017-04-10
WSEMP-846Upload SINVCannot put in negative amountIda2017-04-11
WSEMP-816Stock take as closing inventoryWrong costJimmy2017-04-10
WSEMP-845Footwear Print SOExtra Items shown in SO printableDwi2017-04-11
WSEMP-827create supp inv page (edit row )Permission errorHassan2017-04-10
WSEMP-836SBR-05Select ALL Location first time generate different amount with 2nd time generateJimmy2017-04-12
WSEMP-855BloomingStrange symbolJimmy2017-04-12
WSEMP-866Payment Voucher Knock off Choose date not workingJimmy2017-04-14
WSEMP-814Create InvoiceWhen change stock out location, Item deducted without validated the serial numberJimmy2017-04-07
WSEMP-819CC-07Select customer type to generate the report not functionJimmy2017-04-06
WSEMP-858Edit ItemERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "inv_item_item_code_key"Jimmy2017-04--13
WSEMP-636SBR-03 ReportFix empty rows on printabe page without Category, EAN and Zero QtyDwi2017-04-14
WSEMP-859CM ListingCM type filter show wrong resultIda2017-04-12
WSEMP-306Reverse PVNot allow reverse filed PVIda2017-04-10
WSEMP-566Data FixAdd new data fix for unlock locked jobsheetIda2017-04-11
WSEMP-175SR-06Wrong Header nameJimmy2017-04-14
WSEMP-810 AP Bad Debt Relief and AP Bad Debt PaidWrong sign amountJimmy2017-04-07
WSEMP-864Output Tax Filing

Reverse Trade In CM should have 2 entries in total.

WSEMP-862Create INV screen and full screen cash saleThe inactive Major Industry code appearHassan2017-04-13
WSEMP-871Customer listingWrong error message Hassan2017-04-17
WSEMP-848POS event triggerIt skipped too many transactions with so confuse error message.Jimmy2017-04-12
WSEMP-874Queue Processing IncomingThe get cashbook by pkid function returns Null even pkid existsJimmy2017-04-19
WSEMP-873SBR-07Generate report no resultJimmy2017-04-18
WSEMP-872Input Tax FilingNull error if filter by supplierIda2017-04-17
WSEMP-859CM ListingCM Type Filter not correctIda2017-04-19
WSEMP-851Supplier CM ContraCM for PR can contra each otherIda2017-04-20
WSEMP-883Upload BOM Allow pricing matrix overwrittenIda2017-04-19
WSEMP-896Tax on Imported GoodsGRN date on last day of filing cycle cannot be filedIda2017-04-25
WSEMP-544GRNGRN Missing Auto-create SINVkreaeeh2017-04-18
WSEMP-831SP-05Fix filters not resetting properlyDwi2017-04-28
WSEMP-865Upload Supplier InvoiceClick submit twice back to back. System will create duplicate InvoiceJimmy2017-04-14
WSEMP-885Stock Take As Closing InventoryWrong historical costJimmy2017-04-22
WSEMP-843CCF-04Not showing invoice with glcode itemJimmy2017-04-11
WSEMP-870Trace Stock SerialNot following Correct SequenceJimmy2017-04-18
WSEMP-849SR-29null error if no permission to view any costIda2017-04-26
WSEMP-835Stock AvailabilityPrice exclude tax is not showing correctlyIda2017-04-25
WSEMP-433AP Bad Debt Paid multiple partial settlements done on different months/FC, cannot separate them as per FCIda2017-04-16
WSEMP-683 Customer CM createchange tax code list in edit page to output tax codeIda2017-04-25
WSEMP-850Florist Edit OrderWrong informationJimmy2017-04-13
WSEMP-856Upload PO BataPricing for bata changes per item code instead of articleDwi2017-04-17
WSEMP-879Input Tax FilingError on page reload when another branch completes filingWaqqas2017-04-18
WSEMP-238Upload Cash Transferprovide clearer error descriptionHassan2017-04-05
WSEMP-876supp_invoice_item Increase character for name(supp_invoice_item)Hassan2017-04-25
WSEMP-909FSCSUse AWS SES for sending emails with verified domain wavelet.emailQuang2017-04-28
WSEMP-892SPR-01Supplier showing in SPR-01 different from the Popup GRNJimmy2017-04-26
WSEMP-898Filingnot support long name for major industry codeIda2017-04-27


Issue Number

Affected Screen

Enhancement required


DateOther Related
WSEMP-732GST-03 version 2Support TX-CG tax codeIda2017-04-06WGT-1625
WSEMP-733GST-03 version 2Support TX-ES tax codeIda2017-04-10WGT-1626
WSEMP-736GST-03 version 2Support TX-FRS tax codeIda2017-04-12WGT-1627
WSEMP-731Purchase ScreenNew tax codes TX-FRS, TX-NC, NPIda2017-04-12WGT-1630
WSEMP-742Sales ScreenNew tax codes SR-MS, SR-JWS, OS-TXM, NTX, NSIda2017-04-12WGT-1631
WSEMP-730Purchase ScreenNew tax codes TX-CG, TX-IES, TX-ESIda2017-04-12WGT-1632
WSEMP-857RCT , PV Document PopupRename date header for related document to Settlement DateIda2017-04-12
WSEMP-782Add/Edit pseudo codeAdd pseudo type: SALES, PURCHASE, SAMSUNG-SYNC.Jimmy2017-04-04WGT-1634
WSEMP-583Audit Trailadd audit Trail for Matrix Category maintenance (add, edit , and delete)Dwi2017-04-12WGT-1639
WSEMP-780GST-03 version 2Exclude GS on Field 13Ida2017-04-09WGT-1645
WSEMP-770GST Audit File (Version 2) GST Audit File (Version 2)  Text FormatIda2017-04-19WGT-1649
WSEMP-320Add/ Edit Itemto allow the configuration for major industry code by itemIda2017-04-06WGT-16251648
WSEMP-733GST-03 version 2Support TX-ES tax codeIda329Create INV and FSCSPermission to sell item below cost when PWP hitHassan2017-04-1013WGT-16261650
WSEMP-736190GSTCCF-03 version 2Support TX-FRS tax codeIda((Printable page with vehicle) Add column for Credit Card Type & BranchHassan2017-04-1210WGT-16271654
WSEMP-731Purchase ScreenNew tax codes TX-FRS, TX-NC, NPIda658CC-07Add new printable summaryNorizan2017-04-1209WGT-16301662
WSEMP-742Sales ScreenNew tax codes SR-MS, SR-JWS, OS-TXM, NTX, NSIda604supplier -> creditor -> Supplier Historical Transaction Aging AnalysisAdd new printable summaryNorizan2017-04-1209 WGT-16311663
WSEMP-730Purchase ScreenNew tax codes TX-CG, TX-IES, TX-ESIda-277Simplified Tax Invoice Conversion: Simplified Tax Invoice Conversion: kendo UI formatNorizan2017-04-1205 WGT-16321664
WSEMP-857RCT , PV Document PopupRename date header for related document to Settlement DateIda354SUPPLIER HISTORICAL TRANSACTION AGING ANALYSIS REPORT :NO HEADER ( Company Name )Norizan2017-04-1219No need documentation
WSEMP-782Add/Edit pseudo codeAdd pseudo type: SALES, PURCHASE, SAMSUNG-SYNC.Jimmy794Supplier Contact PersonAdd Tax codeDwi2017-0403-0425WGT-16341669
WSEMP-583Audit Trailadd audit Trail for Matrix Category maintenance (add, edit , and delete)338ECommerce Checkout PageAdd mobile number as compulsory pageDwi2017-04-1225WGT-16391672
WSEMP-780GST-03 version 2Exclude GS on Field 13Ida335Aging Summary By SupplierNew reportJimmy2017-04-0919WGT-16451674
WSEMP-770GST Audit File (Version 2) GST Audit File (Version 2)  Text FormatIda888CCF-03Kendo UIHassan2017-04-1926WGT-16491675
WSEMP-320775Add/ Edit Itemto allow the configuration for major industry code by itemIdaInvoiceaudit trail report change "salesID" to "sales username" and "sales person full name"Hassan2017-04-0627WGT-16481682
WSEMP-329Create INV and FSCSPermission to sell item below cost when PWP hitHassan734GST-03 v2, Taxable Amount by Tax Code Report, Tax Filing for Residual Input (TX-RE)  update DMR formulaIda2017-04-1318WGT-1650
WSEMP-190CCF-03 ((Printable page with vehicle) Add column for Credit Card Type & BranchHassan779GAF v2XML formatIda2017-04-1030WGT-16541683
WSEMP-658CC-07Add new printable summary875Input Tax filingInsert date for Input tax Txn Date columnNorizan2017-04-0924WGT-16621688
WSEMP-604supplier -> creditor -> Supplier Historical Transaction Aging AnalysisAdd new printable summary611Invoice Listingnew printable 2Norizan2017-04-09 25WGT-16631689
WSEMP-277Simplified Tax Invoice Conversion: Simplified Tax Invoice Conversion: kendo UI formatNorizan160Developer DatafixNew ST Fix toolsDwi2017-04-05 06WGT-16641695
WSEMP-354SUPPLIER HISTORICAL TRANSACTION AGING ANALYSIS REPORT :NO HEADER ( Company Name )Norizan797Supplier SOAAging for Supplier SOAJimmy2017-04-19No need documentationWGT-1699
WSEMP-794Supplier Contact PersonAdd Tax code897Upload InvoiceCheck for locked filing cycle and locked tax cycleDwi2017-0304-2526WGT-16691708
WSEMP-338ECommerce Checkout PageAdd mobile number as compulsory page910Upload GRNUpload GRN checks for Financial Year and Tax Filing Period prior to creationDwi2017-04-2528WGT-16721716
WSEMP-335Aging Summary By SupplierNew reportJimmy903Upload CashSaleUpload Cashsale Checks for Financial Year and Tax Filing Period Prior to creationDwi2017-04-1927WGT-16741728
WSEMP-888CCF-03Kendo UIHassan804Stock In and Stock OutInclude GLCODE type item in inv_stock_deltaJimmy2017-04-2618WGT-16751733
WSEMP-775Edit Invoiceaudit trail report change "salesID" to "sales username" and "sales person full name"Hassan2017-04-27WGT-1682WSEMP-734GST-03 v2, Taxable Amount by Tax Code Report, Tax Filing for Residual Input (TX-RE)  update DMR formulaIda2017-04-18-905Upload Sales ReturnAdd check for Financial Year and Tax YearDwi2017-05-30WGT-1757
WSEMP-795Upload InvoiceAdd Major Industry Code UploadHassan2017-04-13WGT-1792


Issue Number

Affected Screen



Other Related


Reset MA By GRNDo not haveSuhaidaWGT-1629
WSEMP-796Upload Customer & Contact PersonDo not haveHassanWGT-1676


Issue Number

Affected Screen



DateOther Related
Edit Item
Optimise the queryJimmy2017-04-03
WSEMP-886POSUnprocessed Transactions with ExceptionQuang2017-04-20